
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I have heard people tell me stories about their children ridding themselves of their diapers, and it was definitely a phase I was hoping to pass by and not through. But yesterday I found this in my room and the last place I had put it was around my daughters body! If only I could have watched her cute little face as she worked through this new secret adventure.


As I was writing this post I heard a BOOM in my house. I paused, wondered what it was and assumed it was something outside. Again I heard BOOM. Faint, but loud enough I knew it wasn't just the creak of a house, and close enough it wasn't outside. My heart started beating a little bit faster. Was it a large mouse or something in the wall or worse, running free in my house? BOOM...was it someone trying to break in? I jumped up and hurried to my daughters room to make sure nothing was there. I didn't want to wake her so I quietly opened her door. There she was in her crib, legs on the wall, head upside down, eyes wide open staring right at me. I quickly shut the door and chuckled out loud. She totally got me. I remember so many nights as a kid laying in bed with my feet on the wall, stomping and banging since I couldn't sleep and was bored. Though I must say, I was much older, and it didn't give my mom a reason to laugh!

1 comment:

  1. Good thing her diaper wasn't poopy!!!! It took us many a mess to finally figure out how to keep the diapers on -- put them in a onesie you don't care about (or pj's) and pin the opening with a diaper pin. :)

    And I remember distinctly Rr banging his head against the closet door in the middle of night in a rhythm. It was disturbing until I was told it's very common and that kids outgrow it! Eliza is just following in the tradition of all other toddlers before her. :) hahaha
