
Monday, October 15, 2012

Great customer service seems almost non-existent these days. When I am working with a company or any type of professional, the thing I hope for most is that they care. Not just fake care because I am paying them, but really care about me and the product or service they are offering me. More often than not, this doesn’t seem to be the case. We all know what it’s like to feel shoved aside, stepped on or even completely ignored. None of those experiences make us feel good. But on the flip side, when someone does provide us with great customer service, it makes us feel so good. I have recently worked with several people and companies that provided AWESOME customer service. Why was their service so great? Because they cared. They spent time talking to me on the phone, through email or in person, working with me on exactly what I needed or wanted and made sure I was totally satisfied and comfortable. They not only did their job well, but they connected with me as a person, not a number or an order, a person. They cared about making me happy. And that made me happy. So happy I started thinking about heaven. In heaven there will be no hate or anger or selfishness. People will trust and respect and love one another. People will be happy and want to make others happy, too. Can you imagine?
Can you imagine a world like that? 
I can’t quite fathom what that would really be like...but I’m grateful for the small taste of heaven others give to me when they take the time to care. And I sure hope I treat others so that they can taste it, too.

Dr. Cynthia Binder, Piggy & Dirt, Primitive Signs N’ Such, Oriental Trading Company and Blue Cross Blue Shield for your amazing service and care.

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