
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I'm grateful for my Wow.
When I was little our family did something called "Secret Sisters." I come from a family of all girls and we would put all our names (including parents) in a bucket and everyone would draw a name and keep it to themselves and serve that person for one week. I loved it. It was fun to find secret ways to surprise or help others in my family. One night I pulled my paper out of the dish and excitedly unraveled it to reveal the name I had chosen. I read 'wow.' 
"I got WOW!" I proclaimed to the family. "I got WOW!" I was told I was reading it upside down and flipped the paper to find I had 'MOM'. I still thought that was wow and we all had a good laugh about it.
I can't express, nor do I even realize, the blessings I have received from my wonderful mother. She gave me life. She loves and cares for me with every part of her soul. I know this, because I am now a mother, too. As I brought my precious baby into this world I began to realize just how important I am to my own mom. Wow. To think somebody loves me that much. How lucky I am. 

I am grateful my mom always chose our family first. I am grateful she spent long nights and crazy days teaching me and loving me and expecting my best. All the events and carpools and trips and sick days and break downs and excitements and needs and wants...she was always the first to be there for me. There are too many memories to even start listing, but all of them exist because she made them happen. She is the heart and soul of our family and has blessed this world with so much good. Her example and faith and ability to love have taught me each day and will bless me forever.
I love you, Mom. You are my Wow.


  1. I love you my sweet Ashlee. You are such a blessing to me.

  2. What a sweet and funny memory! :) You are such a fun sister-in-law to have. I am really enjoying your blog -- I feel like I'm able to get a real glimpse into the wonderful person I all ready knew you are. :)
