I’m grateful for my Whole Family.
My family is the most important part of my life.
They are who I am and where I want to end up.

They are who I am and where I want to end up.
The greatest two parts of God’s plan are:
That we can all be forgiven and gain Eternal Life.
That our Families are Eternal if we make and keep our covenants.
I live everyday of my life in hopes to do all that is required of me to return to the presence of God and spend eternity with those I love. That will be Heaven. Without God and my Family, Heaven would not exist. My family started way before I came into this world and will continue on long after I have left. Today, I am particularly grateful for the whole gang. I have written about my husband and daughter, my parents and siblings...but another huge part of my heart is my nieces & nephews, my brother-in-laws and my Nordgren side. I love having so many people to love and so many people that love me back.
That we can all be forgiven and gain Eternal Life.
That our Families are Eternal if we make and keep our covenants.
I live everyday of my life in hopes to do all that is required of me to return to the presence of God and spend eternity with those I love. That will be Heaven. Without God and my Family, Heaven would not exist. My family started way before I came into this world and will continue on long after I have left. Today, I am particularly grateful for the whole gang. I have written about my husband and daughter, my parents and siblings...but another huge part of my heart is my nieces & nephews, my brother-in-laws and my Nordgren side. I love having so many people to love and so many people that love me back.
My Nieces & Nephews
It's been 17 years since I first became an aunt. Some of my fondest memories in life are because of these wonderful children. I remember taking my oldest nephew (as a baby) to my high school football games. I remember dancing with my newborn niece to the Christmas Box music, holding her close to keep her from crying. I remember Barney and Wiggles and Chicken Wuggets. I remember light sabers and sports and their funny little phrases. I remember birthdays and baptisms, recitals and programs. I remember wrestling and playing and just being crazy. I remember being Ashwee and letters and drawings. I remember moving away and missing them so deeply. I remember returning to visit, them all running to hug me. I remember their precious little faces and their tight little loves. I remember all the happiness they have brought to me and my family. And no matter how grown up they get, I hope they always know how
special they are to me.
special they are to me.

The Guys
The day finally came when the boys outnumbered the girls. But we all know who's still in control. I'm so grateful for these men. I'm grateful each of my sister's has a wonderful friend to share life with. I'm so grateful they honor and protect the families they are creating. I'm grateful they hold the Priesthood. I'm grateful they will hang out with us and spend time as a family. I'm grateful for what they add to the group and for the respect and love they give to the people who mean so much to me.

The In-Laws
I feel very blessed to have married into such a wonderful family. I came from all girls and my husband came from all boys. What a mix! I love my in-laws. I love the sweetness of my mother-in-law and the wonderful spirit she brings in a family full of men. I love the strength of my father-in-law and they way he can fix anything that's broken. I love my brothers and sisters-in-law and the way we laugh together and that nothing can ever be serious. I love my new nieces and nephews and the excitement they bring to our gatherings and their creativity and imaginations. They too, are all my family. I thank them for loving me and accepting me and being the kind of in-laws I hoped they would be!

I love you, too, Ashlee. :) I'm grateful that we're related! :) YOU bring a lot of joy to the family!