
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I'm grateful for Girl Time.
Tonight we had a get together with the Relief Society. It was awesome. My husband got home at a good hour and I was able to leave behind the mess from dinner and ride down with my friend to the island. I felt weird leaving the house without my diaper bag and child, but it sure was nice to be with other women and have some hands free hang out time! Not to mention all the good food I enjoyed. One thing I really love about girl time is that we get each other. We don't even have to finish our sentences before someone chimes in or nods their head in agreement or understanding. And normally, we can laugh at the crazy things we do and joke about the way men are so different from us. We can validate and understand each other in ways that men just cannot. And that feels good. There is no one I love talking to more than my husband...but it sure is nice to have some good ol' girl time every once in awhile. I almost felt like a teenager knocking on my own front door at 11:15pm after a fun night out.
Oh the joys of being a girl!


  1. Ashlee - i love reading your blogs! so cheery and uplifting!! hope you guys are doing well =)

  2. We are! Thank you! Your little family is so cute! Tell Todd hello for us.
