I can't put my feelings into words. But I'm going to try.
I want every person in this world to find what I have found.
I have had the opportunity to live in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for 311/2 years. There are a lot of things I have learned. A lot of things I have felt. A lot of things I have found. A lot of things that I have grown to cherish more than even my own life. In all of it… through all of it, above and around all of it… I have found God's Love. It encompasses everything that is good in my life. It is the Creator of everything good in my life. It is my life.
In these 31 years I have traveled to most all the states and several other countries. I have lived in Utah, Wisconsin and Texas. And in every place I have found the same thing.
Not just any love, but God's Love. I can't even begin to list all the ways I have felt it. All the people that have given me a piece of it. All the strangers and friends that have become a part of my world. Of my love. Parts of my heart are all over this world. And sometimes I wish I could just reach out and bring all those parts together. In one place. And keep them forever. Lucky for me…. I know that I can.
God is the place of all that is good. All that I love. Hour after hour… day after day… year after year… I have come to know Him. I have come to know that WE, His children, are the purpose of His existence. We are the center of all His Energy, Power and Love. And because of Him, all that is good can and will last forever. All that is good can be OURS FOREVER.
Simply because He loves us.
There is nothing greater than that.
I can't help but hope every person in this world will find that. Will feel it. And keep it forever.