Each phase of life seems to bring it's own set of challenges and joys. And always a lesson (or two). The most recent phase of my life has definitely been a full one. Full of stretching and searching, fulfillment and joy. I have been learning a lot lately. A lot about me. A lot about marriage. A lot about parenting. And a lot about God and His perfect, perfect ways. In honor of Easter, the celebration of what took place 1,979 years ago today, I would like to share my feelings and testimony and love for my Savior.
I was born and raised as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. More widely known as "Mormons." From an early age I came to understand for myself the power of God's love. I have read and been taught over and over about my Savior, Jesus Christ. I learned that He came into this world to provide a way for me to return to my Father in Heaven. That He lived a perfect life, atoned for my sins and offered Himself as a sacrifice for me, and all of God's children. I was taught this as a young child. But as a teenager and now an adult, I have come to know of it's personal reality. I have felt of it's power and tasted it's sweetness. I have experienced the power of repentance and the peace of being forgiven. The capacity to change and the strength to endure. All which have come from a power and love far greater than myself.
In recent times my understanding has deepened. I have come to recognize more fully the power of God's peace in times of confusion, loneliness and heartache. I have felt of His light and His direction. But most importantly, I have felt of His love. His perfect, perfect love. A love that words cannot describe. A love that mortal minds cannot understand. A love that lifts and strengthens and calms and heals. A love that testifies to me that He is real. That He didn't just come, but that He is here. That He didn't just suffer, but He suffered my pains. My sins, my heartaches, my fears, my failures. He didn't just come to save me, but to comfort me all along the way. To know me and feel me and provide me a way. A way that was paved just for me. Though undeserving and so very imperfect...for me. I don't understand all the reasons He loves me, but I know that He does. And because He does I can have peace. I can change. I can be healed and comforted and even made whole. Ultimately it means I can be happy.
All the happiness and goodness that is a part of my life comes because of what He gave for me. I love Him. I honor Him. I want nothing more than to follow and serve Him. I'm grateful this day that He came. That He lived and died and lives again. That He gave me such reason to celebrate.
Happy Easter